Mother’s or Father’s son
Mother’s or Father’s daughter
Mother’s or Father’s brother
Mother’s or Father’s sister
Mother’s or Father’s mother
Mother’s or Father’s father
Grandmother’s brother
Grand uncle
Grandmother’s sister
Grand Aunt
Grandfather’s brother
Grand Uncle
Grandfather’s sister
Grand Aunt
Son’s Wife
Daughter’s husband
Husband or wife’s sister
Husband or wife’s brother
Sister’s or brother’s son
Sister’s or brother’s daughter
Uncle or Aunt’s son or daughter
Sister’s Husband
Brother’s wife
Children of same parents
Father of wife or husband
Mother of wife or husband
Grandson’s or grand daughter’s daughter
Grand grand daughter

Important tips:
  • First of all choose the two persons  between whom the relation is to be established
  • Next pinpoint the intermediate relationship through which long relationships can be established between the requires persons
  • Finally conclude the relationship directly between the two persons as required in the question

1)   Pointing to a man on the stage, Rita said, "He is the brother of the daughter of the wife of my       
      husband." How is the man on the stage related to Rita?

      Answer: Wife of Husband - Herself; Brother of daughter - Son. So, the man is Rita's Son.
2) Showing the man receiving the prize, Saroj said, "He is the brother of my uncle's daughter." Who is the man to Saroj?

Answer: Brother of uncle's daughter - Uncle's Son - Cousin. So, The man is Seema's Cousin.

3) Introducing a man, a woman said, "He is the only son of the mother of my mother." How is the woman related to the man?

Answer: The man is the only son of the mother of the woman. Hence, the man is the maternal uncle of the woman. So, the woman is the niece of the man.

4) If A + B means A is the sister of B; A x B means A is the wife of B, A % B means A is the father of B and A - B means A is the brother of B. Which of the following means T is the daughter of P?
Answer:  P x Q → P is the wife of Q
               Q % R → Q is the father of R
               R - T → R is the brother of T
               T + S → T is the sister of S.
         Therefore, T is the daughter of P.
5) Introducing Suchendra, Naman says, "She is the wife of only nephew of only brother of my mother." How Suchendra is related to Naman?
Answer: Brother of mother means maternal uncle. Hence only nephew of Naman's maternal uncle means Naman himself. Therefore Suchendra is the wife of Naman.